Monday 14 November 2011

Principles of effective communication

Explanation of the principles of effective communication

Communication is a process in which the sender of the message makes his thoughts, desires and knowledge well known and understood by another person.
 The essence of communication is mutual understanding of the sender and recipient of transmitted messages.

There are two main ways used in the process of communication:
-       Verbal
-       Nonverbal

Language is the main way of verbal communication. This allows us to express ideas and feelings on the one condition: that the recipient understands the sounds and symbols.
Verbal communication may be oral or written. Both have their drawbacks and cons.

Oral communication provides a much more powerful expression of feelings and thoughts.
 It may however be associated with a tendency to express such extreme opinions and views.

 Written communication is more formal. Its advantage is durability and the possibility of careful preparation. Its disadvantage is the formalism and closed character.

For the effectiveness of the communication process are also important factors such as:

  Creativity- in order to not to bore another person.

 Credibility- it is an important characteristic of good communication. If our interlocutor does not trust us, even if we pass the information in the most appropriate way he might still not believe in what we say.

 New/ Up to date information- before we decide to talk with someone and to give some information we should check first whether they are true and still valid. In this way the other person can trust us and share this information to other people.

 The importance of information- instead of explaining no relevant details we should first focus on the most important parts of our speech to make sure that another person will understand everything and we will not miss anything important.

Only a part of what we say is received by another person in verbal form.
 Manner of speech to a large extent affects the efficiency of the communication process and combines the verbal and nonverbal.

Non-verbal communication includes such factors as:
 • Intonation
 • Voting power
 • Rate of speech
 • Pitch of the voice
 • Articulation
Body Language which includes:
 • Gestures
 • Facial expressions
 • Posture
 • Clothing
 • Personal hygiene
 • Eye contact
 • Appearance

Our behaviour during the speech reinforces and complements its content.
Non-verbal communication is a supplement and reinforcement of direct verbal communication. That is why we should think of all of above aspects. Some bad behaviours, wrong gestures or rate of speech can affect our relation with interlocutors; we can for example offend or hurt them by saying something inappropriately, make them feel uncomfortable if the tone of our voice is too high etc. Respect to other people is one of the most important things that we need to remember during the  conversation.

Main principles of effective communication:

·         Listen carefully to what the other person has to say.

·         Do not use the partner's speaking time to prepare your own speech.

·         During your partner speech try to empathize with what he says.

·         Avoid asking questions when someone else is speaking until you really need additional information.

·         During your partner's speech do not butt in your thoughts - you can do it when he finishes talking.

·         Do not interpret what he says too hasty and let him explain everything properly.

·         During the talk, if possible, look in your partner's eyes.

·         During his speech try to use meaningful phrases, adjust manner of speaking to another person.

We should remember to follow all of them in order to communicate with someone properly.

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